What Kind of Massage Should I Book? Ask A Bodyworker — Restructured Health Services

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What Kind of Massage Should I Book? Ask A Bodyworker

What kind of massage should i book? relaxation massage, massage for pain? What's the difference? This can be a hard question, or it may be depending on what your looking for. Not all Massage and Bodywork forms are created equal. In this video we discuss some things to think about before you book.

At Restructured Health Services, the goal is to help folks with their health goals to bring balance to the structure. My focus is using Bodywork, Structural Integration, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Specific internal strengthening exercises for joints and pain. Subscribe to the channel for common questions I tend to hear from clients and the breakdown of the various modalities I use to help folks achieve their Health goals. My own personal journey comprises ways to self treat and prepare the body to be more resilient for whatever activity you may like to engage in. My bias will be towards Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but the overall outlook should stay the same no matter you activity. In the Portland/Vancouver wa area and needing help with some of your Healthcare goals? Check us out at Restructuredhealth.com

Check out the breakdowon in the video below.

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