Holistic Management  — Restructured Health Services

RHS Blog

Holistic Management 

Holistic Management 

Trying to work the homestead over the last year I can see how masters of East Asian Medicine started to see patterns and similarities between our bodies and holistic organisms and nature.

In the last year, there have been some common themes that have shown themselves to me.

With growing pasture, it is not an automatic system. If a pasture is left unattended it will usually divert to woodland and forest type of environment. While this may not be a bad thing in some respect does not match the full potential for being able to produce nourishment for all the creatures around. On the other hand, if it's overworked, given chemical inputs, or never allowed to rest it will slowly start to turn into the desert wastelands we see today.

 However, with proper management, and the use of coexisting animals, water, and other nutrients, the land can heal and grow lush pasture. The benefits are not small and can include holding water for times of drought and continuing to grow more soil to grow more nourishment for those same creatures in the future.

The body can be seen in much the same way. If not given the proper inputs like movement, nutrition, mental engagement, and sleep. It will slowly deteriorate. While on the other extreme, too many inputs, overwork (both mentally and psychically), chemical inputs by way of excessive drug use, or excess caloric intake can start to break the body down much the same way. 

So in much the same as with proper land management a human body can be managed to reach maximum potential. Nourishment with the requirements of activity, an activity that is both stimulating physically and mentally, sufficient sleep, and mental rest( breath work, meditation). There can be many ways to bring balance.

Maybe those old masters had a good idea going.

How is your body doing this New Year? Wanting to make some changes, get out of pain, start a road of self-care. Check the link in the bio to see what the different aspects of RHS modalities can help you with. Feel free to send a message with other questions.

carlos cruz