
Current Options


Motor Vehicle Accident/Personal Injury Protection

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident you may eligible for medical care to get you back to pre-accident of being.

Here at RHS you have the option of Acupuncture(Acumoxa) or Bodywork.

Acupuncture uses Chinese Medicine Theory to try to balance the internal systems of immunolic, sympathetic and hormonal to name a few by way of small one time use needles or moxibustion to help normalize these internal systems and help and even accelerate the healing process. To find out more on the RHS particular method of Acupuncture treatment click here.

Bodywork(massage) uses target manual therapy inputs and exercises to try to normalize abberant tension in parts of the musculoskeletal system to help increase functional mobility, increase resilience and hopefully aide the body to move in a less painful way, to find out more on the RHS methods of bodywork click here.

Have an open claim and are already being seen by a primary care provider get a referral for either of the above services and contact us today to get your self on the schedule.

Typical treatments range from 60-90 minutes and length. If you call ahead you may also be able to schedule time after your session in the Common Ground Wellness Center Bathhouse or our Vancouver office.


Medical insurance coverage

Currently we have decided to stop taking medical insurance plans. If your plan allows reimbursement we would be happy to provide a superbill for any out of pocket expenses.