RHS Blog

Structural Integration Journey Session 9 - Integrating the upper body

Structural Integration Journey

The integrative Sessions

Session 9 - Integrating the upper body

Leaving where 8 leaves off we now try to integrate i.e get the upper body to work as a whole or if nothing more, try to access as much range of motion of functional mobility as is possible.

As I mentioned in the last post these integration sessions will differ in that there may a lot more of an active participation component. While there is manual work as in the previous sessions 1-7, in these sessions we try to access extra range of motion, working the principles of the functional range system by accessing the CARs( Controlled Articular Rotations) for all the major joints that will be tackled in this session. That will include:

Hips(review), Spine(S, L, T and C) and scapula.

What about the arms? You may be asking, well in the Soma series as I was trained in the original 10 session series has an added session for the arms. That session will cover the upper extremity(wrist, forearm, shoulder). I’ll go into that a little more in the next post

Find out more about the series and all the other modalities to bring your health journey to the next level. Contact us today.

carlos cruz