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Structural Integration Journey The integrative Sessions Session 8 - Integrating the lower body

Structural Integration Journey

The integrative Sessions

Session 8 - Integrating the lower body

Starting with the lower body first this session starts the process of cleaning up an residual issues that can be done. At this point the client maybe has a better idea of their body if they didn’t before the whole process took shape. While as I was trained this would be a phase where the provider would start to activevly have the client move with the work. This would better integrate the system as a whole , I have started to add to this with the introductions of the Functional Range Conditioning and Kinstretch training give the client a glimpse of ways they can help themselves post series and to continue to work where we left off.

With all my work I try to take folks through 3 phases.  

Phase 1 tries to get the client out of main and able to move freely without painful restrictions

Phase 2 continues to open up tissues, ranges of motion and begins to bolster the resilience of tissues with specific exercises meant to strengthen internally

Phase 3 continues the resilience work building capacity in the tissue. With this capacity in the system we now have a more antifragile structure. Now instead a black swan( traumatic injury) that takes you out for a long period of time you now have a small tweak.

Of course injury happen no matter how prepared you are and there are some cases where things just happen. I for myself am currently in month 4 of dealing with knee injury and will hopefully be back to bjj next month. I would like to think that my training for the previous year made me a little more resilient as the I only hurt the cartilage in my knee( super chronic) and not the supporting ligaments(A/M/P/L CLs)

With this first session of the integration work we hopefully start to build into this Phase 2, start to build resilience into the tissue, bolstering up to make it stronger than it was before.

carlos cruz