RHS Blog

What is it doing?


What is it doing?

There are many different ways of explaining the actual mechanisms that are taking place with the application of East Asian Medicine. Whether its manual work like Tuina, Shiatsu or Sotai or the application through other mediums like filiform needles, needles with electrostimulation or the various methods ofo applying moxibustion( both indirect and direct). In all cases, depending on where a particular practitioner learned their own form of medicine or more particularly decided to specialize in one style or another there are often different ways to explain to the client/patient what exactly is going on.

Some folks feel in a spiritual way, others can sense the energetics while another group will only feel this work on the physical structural way or the last folks that are some combination of the other three. In other regards, there might be folks who have just seen it work for what they are having issues with and they don’t really care about the why’s. Whatever the case may be in the following series of posts I will try to go over some of the physical mechanisms the science has started to unfold about what is going on.

Stay tuned.

carlos cruz