RHS Blog

Structural Integration Journey SESSION 7

Structural Integration Journey


Focus: Release the muscles of the neck, face and head.

Results: More softened and relaxed appearance in the face, with increased self-reliance and personal power.

As I have noted in this journey through each of the sessions of Structural Integration sessions I take clients through in my clinic, the series can be broken into 3 parts. This sleeve(outer layer), the core(deeper layers) and the integrative sessions.

Session 7 finishes up the core sessions with the head, neck, face and if folks are inclined there is some important intraoral and intranasal work,( yes in your nose). As is the case for every session this is not the first run through these structures but it is the first time where there is specific and detailed attention to all the structures in the head and neck.

After this session each portion of the body has been given proper attention. The client should feel a lot more “stacked”. The next phase of the series are the integrative sessions. Now that in a sense all the pieces of the structure have been freed as optimally as can be, the following sessions can be thought of as a way to get these separate parts to move in unison.

Common issues that may be helped in this session are:

Neck Pain

TMJ/ Jaw Pain

Facial Pain


Peripheral Neuropathy

For more information on the series and all the other modalities at RHS feel free to DM or check the link in the bio.

carlos cruz