RHS Blog

Scapular work

One of the more common issues that people come into my clinic for seems to be some variety of upper back pain. Since working in the Functional Range System I have really become to see the connections that were gleaned through my structural integration training become even more pronounced.

While each person is an n=1 experiment there are common faults that pop up during assessment with a chief concern of some type of upper back issue.

In most cases, this will consist of some variety of workspace issues in the glenohumeral joint( shoulder), the scapula( shoulder blade), and the spine.

While one of these parts will tend to have more of a limitation than the other it should still be important to work the function of all three areas if not the whole body.

The clip shows some FRC Phase 2 training for the Scapula. In the training, I recommend to folks Phase 2 is meant to get them back to a stage at prior injury and equal to what may be needed for their particular prerequisites.

In other words depending on your particular activity of choice whether BJJ, office work, cycling you will want to meet the particular needs to just live. In most cases, injuries start to happen when the demands on these structures are greater than what they can handle.

Do you train your scapula? How is your shoulder workspace?

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carlos cruz